Adventure for Contribution

Lindsay Gault
New Zealand
Addicted to adventure and committed to putting the effort to good cause
New Zealand
Addicted to adventure and committed to putting the effort to good cause
- 2010 Red Centre Enduro MTB multi-day race in the Australian Outback
- 2011 TDA Global cycling Cairo to Cape Town race - see my book
- 2013 TDA Global cycling Nairobi to Lusaka race - see the story
- 2016 A ride the length of New Zealand and a celebration with cycling friends from around the world
- 2017 Solo ride north-south-west-east Canada see Arctic to Pacific to Atlantic
- 2020 Circumnavigation South Island New Zealand including Queen Charlotte Track, Maungatapu Track, Heaphy Track, Old Ghost Road, West Coast Wilderness Trail, Jackson River, Round the Mountains, Lake to Lake, Clutha Gold Trail, Otago Rail Trail, Dansey Pass, Hakataramea Pass and from Hanmer across Molesworth Station.
- 2021 Ride across the Red Desert Centre of Australia. From Albana WA to Uluru NT to finish in Rockhampton QLD
- 2021 With air travel closed by Covid the only option home from Australia was by crewing on Silver Light a 14m Bravaria cruising yacht across from Southport QLD to Opua in the NZ Bay of Islands.
- 2022 Ride from Athens Greece to Ljubljana in Slovernia
Silk Route
The Silk Road was a network of trade routes connecting China and the Far East with the Middle East and Europe. Established when the Han Dynasty in China officially opened trade with the West in 130 B.C., the Silk Road routes remained in use until A.D. 1453, when the Ottoman Empire boycotted trade with China and closed them. Although it’s been nearly 600 years since the Silk Road has been used for international trade, the routes had a lasting impact on commerce, culture and history that resonates even today.